Dr Ata Doost
Interventional and Consultant Cardiologist
Dr Ata Doost completed his cardiology training in major cardiology centres including The Canberra Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital and Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth and was an interventional and structural fellow at the world-renowned King’s College Hospital, in London, United Kingdom. Dr Doost has performed many thousands of diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterisations (predominantly trans-radial) and hundreds of percutaneous transcatherer valvular interventions.
Alongside a wealth of general cardiology experience including the assessment and treatment of coronary and valvular heart disease and risk stratification, Dr Doost also treats hypertension and general heart rhythm disturbances, patients with angina, heart failure and high blood pressure. Dr Doost is an interventional cardiologist who specialises in the treatment of coronary artery disease with percutaneous coronary intervention/angioplasty (predominantly trans-radial). He also has special interest in intracoronary imaging and physiology (IVUS/OCT, FFR/iFR) and coronary calcium modification techniques such as rotational atherectomy and intravascular lithotripsy. He also treats patients with valvular heart disease with the use of novel percutaneous techniques to treat aortic and mitral valve disease (TAVI and percutaneous mitral valve repair).
His research interests have included multi modality cardiac imaging, coronary calcification and use of intracoronary imaging and coronary calcium modification techniques and the application of coronary physiology in an interventional setting. His research has also explored the differences and potential advantages of intervention performed from the radial artery. Dr Doost was also awarded Master of Philosophy from Australian National University Medical School .